About Vocareum

Vocareum is a virtual lab platform specifically designed to support learning, research, and assessment in computationally intensive courses. Accessible through the browser, it offers a flexible infrastructure to accommodate a range of use cases, including interactive computing, cloud computing, programming, and more. Deployed in diverse learning contexts such as MOOCs, large residential courses, bootcamps, and instructor-led corporate training, Vocareum provides a rich suite of assessments and a flexible content management system, all while operating at scale.

Vocareum and Schoolyear

The integration between Vocareum and Schoolyear facilitates a seamless, secure digital examination experience. While Vocareum provides the computational prowess and wide-ranging use cases, Schoolyear enhances exam integrity with its robust security measures. Together, they create a powerful platform for conducting efficient and secure digital assessments.

To learn more about this integration, continue reading in our help center or contact team@schoolyear.com.

Wim Graas
Founder & CEO

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